Interface ICodeCommon

    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        java.lang.String getCode()
        Gets the code formatted as a string as digits grouped in 5 digits, separated by dashes ('-'). This is NOT the complete code but is used for e.g. activation purposes or when communicating with iizi Support.
        The string formatted as e.g. "12345-67890-12345-99887".
      • getCreationTime

        long getCreationTime()
        Gets the time of creation of the code.
        Creation time in milliseconds since the epoch in GMT, or -1 if not created.
      • getUpdateTime

        long getUpdateTime()
        Gets the time of the last update of the code. The code is not set to updated when created, only when updated, e.g. using a new activation code.
        Creation time in milliseconds since the epoch in GMT, or -1 if not updated.
      • isRevoked

        boolean isRevoked()
        Returns if the code is revoked.
        true if revoked.
      • getRevocationReason

        java.lang.String getRevocationReason()
        Gets the reason for the code revocation.
        The revocation string, or null if code is not revoked.
      • getRevocationTime

        long getRevocationTime()
        Gets the time for the code revocation.
        The revocation time in milliseconds since the epoch in GMT, or -1 if not revoked.