Class InputVariable

    • Constructor Detail

      • InputVariable

        public InputVariable()
        Creates an input variable property container with the specified name with a null value.
      • InputVariable

        public InputVariable​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates an input variable property container with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
    • Method Detail

      • getVSField

        public VSField getVSField()
        Gets the VSField.
        The VSField associated, or null for none (or unresolved).
      • setSQLDataType

        protected boolean setSQLDataType​(int type)
        Sets the SQL data type.

        This method is used internally by the Designer during creation of the SQL statement and should not be called elsewhere.

        type - The SQL data type for the column as defined by Types.
        true for changed, false for no change.
      • getSQLDataType

        public int getSQLDataType()
        Gets the SQL data type.
        The SQL data type for the column as defined by Types, or 0 if SQL statement is not yet parsed in the Designer, or if the column has been left "hanging around" and not yet deleted (this is a problem with warning severity level). This value should NEVER be 0 in the Server, unless it's running in Development Mode!
      • getSQLDataTypeString

        public java.lang.String getSQLDataTypeString()
        Gets the SQL data type string.
        The SQL data type for the column as defined by Types, or "unknown" if not found or undefined
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the column description.
        A description, or null for none.
      • getBestVSFieldValueType

        public Value.Type getBestVSFieldValueType​(VSRelativeReference<?> reference)
        Requests the value type that would best suit the listener.
        Specified by:
        getBestVSFieldValueType in interface IVSFieldListener
        reference - The VSRelativeReference instance holding the reference.
        null if none is available.
      • onResolved

        public void onResolved​(VSRelativeReference<?> reference,
                               VSField field)
        Called when the property reference has been resolved. UI components use this method to set its state according to the field.
        Specified by:
        onResolved in interface IVSFieldListener
        reference - The VSRelativeReference instance holding the reference.
        field - The target reference.
      • onBroken

        public void onBroken​(VSRelativeReference<?> reference,
                             VSField field)
        Called when the property reference has been broken, i.e. unresolved.
        Specified by:
        onBroken in interface IVSFieldListener
        reference - The VSRelativeReference instance holding the reference.
        field - The target reference.
      • onParentStateChanged

        public void onParentStateChanged​(IVSComponent parent,
                                         IVSComponentState.State state,
                                         boolean on)
        Called when the column changes state.
        Specified by:
        onParentStateChanged in interface IVSComponentListener
        parent - The parent who's state was changed.
        state - The state change, possible values PARENT_ENABLED, PARENT_READONLY, PARENT_VISIBLE.
        on - New state.
      • onValueChanged

        public void onValueChanged​(VSField field,
                                   Value value,
                                   GProp<?> trigger,
                                   IPostEventProcessing postProcessing)
        Called when the field value is set.
        Specified by:
        onValueChanged in interface IVSFieldListener
        field - The VS field.
        value - The value, never null, but value.isNull() could be true.
        trigger - The trigger property that may be null.
        postProcessing - Post-processing instance.