Class VSFocusEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • VSFocusEvent

        public VSFocusEvent​(IVSComponent source,
                            IVSComponent opposite,
                            boolean isFocusGained)
        Constructs the event for a change without a trigger source.
        source - The source.
        opposite - The opposite component losing focus, null for none.
        isFocusGained - Flag indicating focus was gained.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the source is null.
      • VSFocusEvent

        public VSFocusEvent​(IVSComponent source,
                            IVSComponent opposite,
                            boolean isFocusGained,
                            GProp<?> trigger)
        Constructs the event for a change event with a property being the trigger source, e.g. an UIButton or UICheckBox.
        source - The source.
        opposite - The opposite component losing focus, null for none.
        isFocusGained - Flag indicating focus was gained.
        trigger - The trigger property.
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public IVSComponent getSource()
        Gets the VirtualSpace item that is the source of the event, i.e. the item that gains or loses focus.
        getSource in class BaseEvent<IVSComponent>
        The VSComponent gaining or losing focus. If this event is fired to a listener on the VirtualSpace, this value can be null when e.g. no one receives focus.
      • getOpposite

        public IVSComponent getOpposite()
        Gets the opposite component for the focus operation, i.e. if the operation is FocusGained, the opposite component is the one losing focus, and if the operation is FocusLost, the opposite component is the component gaining focus.
        The opposite component, or null for none.
      • isFocusGained

        public boolean isFocusGained()
        Returns if this is the focus gained operation.
        true if this is focus gained, false for focus lost.
      • isFocusLost

        public boolean isFocusLost()
        Returns if this is the focus lost operation.
        true if this is focus lost, false for focus gained.