Class VSActionEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • VSActionEvent

        public VSActionEvent​(VSAction source,
                             GProp<?> trigger,
                             UIComp contextComponent)
        Constructs the event for an action with a property being the trigger source, e.g. an UIButton or UICheckBox.
        source - The action.
        trigger - The trigger property.
        contextComponent - The context component causing the event, used for context menus.
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public VSAction getSource()
        Gets the VirtualSpace Action that is the source of the event.
        getSource in class BaseEvent<VSAction>
        The source VSAction instance.
      • getContextComponent

        public UIComp getContextComponent()
        The context UI component that caused the event, when the event is generated from a context menu.
        The UI component, null if not originating from a context menu.