Annotation Type JavaActionActor

  • @Documented
    public @interface JavaActionActor
    Annotation for tagging classes that are Java Action Actors.


       @JavaActionActorAnnotation(ref="Proj:/vs/subFolder/OneVS", modifiesVS=true, descr="This is My Java Action Actor")
       public class MyJavaActionActor extends AbstractJavaActionActor
         public MyJavaActionActor()
         // Action runs here.
         public void onAction()

    Christopher Mindus
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and TypeRequired ElementDescription
      The description of the Action Actor class, used in the Eclipse UI and in Server Monitoring.
      Specifies if this action modifies the VirtualSpace it is attached to or not.
      The Full String Reference to the VirtualSpace property.
    • Element Detail

      • ref

        java.lang.String ref
        The Full String Reference to the VirtualSpace property. This property must be of main type, i.e. being a Resource (.iiziVS file).
        The Full String Reference to the Property (includes the Module Project and slashes).
      • modifiesVS

        boolean modifiesVS
        Specifies if this action modifies the VirtualSpace it is attached to or not.
        true if the action modifies the VirtualSpace or false if not.
      • descr

        java.lang.String descr
        The description of the Action Actor class, used in the Eclipse UI and in Server Monitoring.
        A descriptive string of the Action Actor class.