Package com.iizix

Class SystemConfig

  • public class SystemConfig
    extends java.lang.Object
    System configuration class.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      static longBUILD
      The build number.
      static java.time.LocalDateTimebuildDateTime
      Date and time when the system was built: less than minute values are set to zero (unless it's a debug build).
      static java.lang.StringCOPYRIGHT_1
      The copyright string (without new line) as e.g.
      static java.lang.StringCOPYRIGHT_2
      The copyright string (with new line) as e.g.
      static booleanHAS_UNLIMITED_CRYPTO
      Flag indicating system is enabled for unlimited strength cryptography.
      static booleanis64bit
      The Java architecture is 64 bit.
      static booleanisDevelopmentMode
      Flag for Development mode, i.e.
      static booleanisMac
      The macOS ("Mac OS X") variable indicator.
      static booleanisUnix
      The Unix OS variable indicator.
      static booleanisWin10
      The indicator for Windows 10.
      static booleanisWin11
      The indicator for Windows 11.
      static booleanisWin7
      The indicator for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or better.
      static booleanisWin8
      The indicator for Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 or better.
      static booleanisWindows
      The Windows OS variable indicator.
      static java.lang.StringjavaName
      The Java VM name.
      static intjavaVer
      The Java version "number" 11, 12, 13, 14, zero if none matches.
      static java.lang.StringjavaVersion
      The Java version, 1.6[.nn], 1.7[.nn], 1.8[.nn], 9.nn or 10.nn.
      static java.lang.StringJCE_NOT_UNLIMITED
      System config error if JCE unlimited cryptography is not enabled.
      static java.lang.StringosName
      The OS name.
      static java.lang.StringosVersion
      The OS version.
      static booleanPROGUARD_PROCESSED
      Flag indicating that Java code is run through ProGuard to process/optimize and obfuscate it.
      static java.lang.StringVERSION
      The version number, e.g.
      static java.lang.StringVERSION_BUILD
      The version number concatenated with the build as "".
      static booleanWEB_COMPRESS
      Flag indicating the HTML and JavaScript has been compressed.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • VERSION

        public static final java.lang.String VERSION
        The version number, e.g. "1.3.34".
      • BUILD

        public static final long BUILD
        The build number.

        public static final java.lang.String VERSION_BUILD
        The version number concatenated with the build as "".

        public static final boolean HAS_UNLIMITED_CRYPTO
        Flag indicating system is enabled for unlimited strength cryptography.
      • COPYRIGHT_1

        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_1
        The copyright string (without new line) as e.g. "(C) Copyright Mindus SARL, 2021. All rights reserved.".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • COPYRIGHT_2

        public static final java.lang.String COPYRIGHT_2
        The copyright string (with new line) as e.g. "(C) Copyright Mindus SARL, 2021.\nAll rights reserved.".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • buildDateTime

        public static final java.time.LocalDateTime buildDateTime
        Date and time when the system was built: less than minute values are set to zero (unless it's a debug build). Typically formatted as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.
      • isDevelopmentMode

        public static final boolean isDevelopmentMode
        Flag for Development mode, i.e. not compiled with Build System into Jar(s).

        This member is used internally by the iizi system and should not be used in other places as it would always be false.


        public static final boolean WEB_COMPRESS
        Flag indicating the HTML and JavaScript has been compressed.

        This member is used internally by the iizi system and should not be used in other places as it would always be true.


        public static final boolean PROGUARD_PROCESSED
        Flag indicating that Java code is run through ProGuard to process/optimize and obfuscate it.

        This member is used internally by the iizi system and should not be used in other places as it would always be true.

      • osName

        public static final java.lang.String osName
        The OS name.
      • osVersion

        public static final java.lang.String osVersion
        The OS version.
      • javaName

        public static final java.lang.String javaName
        The Java VM name.
      • javaVersion

        public static final java.lang.String javaVersion
        The Java version, 1.6[.nn], 1.7[.nn], 1.8[.nn], 9.nn or 10.nn.
      • is64bit

        public static final boolean is64bit
        The Java architecture is 64 bit.
      • javaVer

        public static final int javaVer
        The Java version "number" 11, 12, 13, 14, zero if none matches.
      • isUnix

        public static final boolean isUnix
        The Unix OS variable indicator. This indicator is not true, even for macOS ("Mac OS X").
      • isMac

        public static final boolean isMac
        The macOS ("Mac OS X") variable indicator.
      • isWindows

        public static final boolean isWindows
        The Windows OS variable indicator.
      • isWin7

        public static final boolean isWin7
        The indicator for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 or better.
      • isWin8

        public static final boolean isWin8
        The indicator for Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 or better.
      • isWin10

        public static final boolean isWin10
        The indicator for Windows 10. (Windows 10, Windows Server 2019).
      • isWin11

        public static final boolean isWin11
        The indicator for Windows 11. (Windows 11+, Windows Server 2019+ or better).

        public static final java.lang.String JCE_NOT_UNLIMITED
        System config error if JCE unlimited cryptography is not enabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values