Class VSComponentCreation<VSTYPE extends VSComponent>

    • Field Detail

      • createdComponent

        protected VSTYPE extends VSComponent createdComponent
        The created component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VSComponentCreation

        public VSComponentCreation​(EditorVirtualSpace virtualSpace,
                                   java.lang.String requestedName,
                                   Value.Type valueType,
                                   boolean doCreateDefaultValue,
                                   boolean isChooseTypeAllowed,
                                   java.lang.Boolean isNullAllowed,
                                   VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTable,​VSTableReference> tableOwner,
                                   IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
        virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace.
        requestedName - The requested name of the component.
        valueType - The value type chosen when the VS type is VSField or VSColumnHeader.
        doCreateDefaultValue - Flag to create a default value.
        isChooseTypeAllowed - If user is allowed to choose value type.
        isNullAllowed - Flag null is allowed, null to enable user to choose.
        tableOwner - The table owner, or null for not available (or not applicable).
        undoRedo - The undo/redo instance.
    • Method Detail

      • isComponentSelectable

        public final boolean isComponentSelectable()
        Returns if the VS component should be selectable or not.
        Specified by:
        isComponentSelectable in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        true by default in order to enable selecting an existing component.
      • setTitle

        public final void setTitle​(java.lang.String title)
        Sets the title.
        title - The title for the page, or null for default.
      • getTitle

        public final java.lang.String getTitle()
        Gets the title.
        Specified by:
        getTitle in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        The title for the page, or null for default.
      • getDescription

        public final java.lang.String getDescription()
        Gets the description.
        Specified by:
        getDescription in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        The description of the page, or null for default.
      • setDescription

        public final void setDescription​(java.lang.String descr)
        Gets the description.
        descr - The description of the page, or null for default.
      • getVSParent

        public final PropCnr getVSParent()
        Gets the parent for the component. This is initially set to the VirtualSpace.
      • setVSParent

        public final void setVSParent​(PropCnr vsParent)
        Sets the parent.
      • setRequestedName

        public final void setRequestedName​(java.lang.String requestedName)
        Sets the requested name.
        Specified by:
        setRequestedName in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        requestedName - null if no name is requested.
      • setValueType

        public final void setValueType​(Value.Type valueType)
        Sets the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
        Specified by:
        setValueType in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        valueType - The new value type.
      • isNullAllowed

        public final java.lang.Boolean isNullAllowed()
        Returns if null is allowed.
        Specified by:
        isNullAllowed in interface INewVSComponentWizardInfo
        null to enable user to choose, otherwise Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE to disable user choice and use this setting.
      • createVSComponent

        public final VSTYPE createVSComponent​(ComplexOperation op)
        Creates the component required with the specified name.
        op - The complex operation.
        The component, initiated with potential value or value type.
      • getDefaultName

        public abstract java.lang.String getDefaultName()
        Gets the default name for the VS component if no request name is defined.
      • onWizard

        public abstract void onWizard​(AddUICompWizard wizard)
        Called to create required wizard pages.
        wizard - The wizard.
      • doCreate

        protected abstract VSTYPE doCreate​(Atom name,
                                           PropCnr parent,
                                           ComplexOperation op)
        Creates the component required with the specified name.
        name - The name.
        parent - The parent for the VS component.
        op - The complex operation.
        The component, initiated with potential value or value type.
      • assignReference

        public abstract boolean assignReference()
        Completes the referencing to the VS component in the UI component.
        true if the component reference is set, false if the user chose not to create this VS component.