Class EditorVSOnUIEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • EditorVSOnUIEvent

        public EditorVSOnUIEvent()
        Creates a VirtualSpace focus reference property with no name and with a null value.
      • EditorVSOnUIEvent

        public EditorVSOnUIEvent​(Atom atom)
        Creates a VirtualSpace focus reference property with no name and with a null value.
        atom - The atom name.
    • Method Detail

      • onResolved

        protected void onResolved​(VSComponent target)
        Called when the property reference has been resolved. Overrides the super-method to avoid having the component references with listeners and to verify the focusability of the reference in the Designer.
        onResolved in class VSOnUIEvent
        target - The target reference.
      • onRemoved

        protected void onRemoved​(VSComponent oldTarget)
        Called when the property reference has been disposed of e.g. due to new reference or pure disposal of this property.

        Overrides the super-method to remove the focus potential error property if the component is not focusable.

        onRemoved in class VSOnUIEvent
        oldTarget - The old target reference.