Class VSLinkField

  • public class VSLinkField
    extends VSLinkInfo<EditorVSField>
    Links a VSField to a target component, or replaces an existing one.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • VSLinkField

        public VSLinkField​(Atom atom)
        The constructor takes the VSFieldReference atom for the operation.
        atom - The atom for the reference property.
    • Method Detail

      • isAlreadyLinked

        protected boolean isAlreadyLinked​(PropCnr target,
                                          EditorVSField component)
        Verifies if the component has been linked already.
        Specified by:
        isAlreadyLinked in class VSLinkInfo<EditorVSField>
        target - The target for linking.
        component - The component.
        true if already handled by this link info.
      • getOperation

        protected java.lang.String getOperation​(PropCnr target,
                                                EditorVSField component)
        Returns the operation that linking will produce.
        Specified by:
        getOperation in class VSLinkInfo<EditorVSField>
        target - The target for linking.
        component - The component to link.
        The text inserted to the table.
      • runOperation

        protected PropCnr runOperation​(PropCnr target,
                                       java.util.ArrayList<EditorVSField> components,
                                       VSSubLinkInfo subOperations,
                                       PropCnr mainContainer,
                                       ComplexOperation op)
        Runs the main operation.
        Specified by:
        runOperation in class VSLinkInfo<EditorVSField>
        target - The target for linking.
        components - The components to link (just one due to "isMultipleComponentsSupported()==false").
        subOperations - Sub-operations to execute, null for none.
        mainContainer - The main container from a parent operation, null for main operation.
        op - The complex operation.
        Potential property container created, for use in sub-operations.