Interface IPropertyEditorCustomMenu

  • public interface IPropertyEditorCustomMenu
    Customized menu for a property container being edited in the property editor.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Method Detail

      • shouldCreate

        boolean shouldCreate​(PropertyEditor editor,
                             PropCnr[] editProps)
        Called to check if the button with its drop-down menu should be created or not.
        editor - The property editor instance.
        editProps - The property containers being edited.
        true to create the button, false otherwise.
      • initializeMenu

        void initializeMenu​(PropertyEditor editor,
                            PropCnr[] editProps,
                            FlatToolbarButton button)
        Called to initialize the menu with the menu items required created for the button.
        editor - The property editor instance.
        editProps - The property containers being edited.
        button - The button that should own the menu.
      • onPressed

        void onPressed​(PropertyEditor editor,
                       PropCnr[] editProps)
        Called when a menu is not created for the button, and the button has been pressed.