Interface IPropertyEditorController

    • Method Detail

      • setPropertyError

        void setPropertyError​(GProp<?> property,
                              java.lang.String errorID,
                              IPropErrorItem item)
        Sets a property error. The undo/redo functionality will wrap an undo/redo action for this function.
      • removePropertyValue

        void removePropertyValue​(GProp<?> property)
        Removes a property when undefined in the editors. The undo/redo functionality will wrap an undo/redo action for this function.
      • setPropertyAttrFlag

        void setPropertyAttrFlag​(GProp<?> property,
                                 int attr,
                                 boolean flag)
        Sets a property attribute flag. The undo/redo functionality will wrap an undo/redo action for this function.
      • setPropertyValue

        void setPropertyValue​(PropCnr parent,
                              GProp<?> property,
                              java.lang.Object value)
        Sets a property value. The undo/redo functionality will wrap an undo/redo action for this function. This method handles setting a property value that is extended in the parent and the new property is to replace it in the parent.
      • getUndoContext

        java.lang.Object getUndoContext()
        Gets the undo context.
        An object castable to org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoContext.
      • getModuleModel

        ModuleModel getModuleModel()
        Gets the ModuleModel instance of the project.
      • getMultiSelectionProvider

        MultiSelectionProvider getMultiSelectionProvider()
        Gets the multi-property selection provider.
      • getUndoRedo

        IPropUndoRedo getUndoRedo()
        Gets the undo/redo interface.
      • setBlockViewerFocus

        void setBlockViewerFocus​(boolean block)
        Blocks the target viewer from focus.
      • isDisposed

        boolean isDisposed()
        Checks for disposal.