Class TextBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextBuilder

        public TextBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • getBuildDescription

        public java.lang.String getBuildDescription​(IEUIContainer cnr)
        Returns the UI builder description of what it creates. This description is used in the tree (if there is a single build choice), or in the wizard page if there are many that can be chosen from to build the same component.
        Specified by:
        getBuildDescription in interface IUIBuilder
        cnr - The container target.
        The description.
      • addSubOperations

        public void addSubOperations​(IEUIContainer container,
                                     EditorVSField comp,
                                     java.util.Collection<UIBuilderSubOperation> subOps)
        Adds the operation(s) for the VS component builder operation. This method is only called when verified that this operation really can be built.
        Specified by:
        addSubOperations in interface IUIBuilderFromVS<EditorVSField>
        container - The container.
        comp - The VS component.
        subOps - The build sub-operations.