4.0.0 Build 17173

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IIZI 4.0.0 Build 17173

This build was created 2023-09-27 19:53:30 and contains multiple types of the IIZI platform, based on Eclipse IDE 2023-09 (4.29), all including a full version of OpenJDK 20.0.2 (Eclipse Temurin - JustJ).

Installations for Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems are provided for the iiziGo Designer. Please note that the most stable iiziGo Designer environment is Windows, followed by macOS and then Linux.

Click on the links below to download the appropriate version.

iiziGo Designer for Windows (64-bit)

When the installer executable is launched, it will create a desktop folder containing a shortcut to iiziGo and links to on-line documentation. Uninstallation is done using the Windows Control panel or from the Windows Settings. The signed Jar file is extracted to any location you wish, and you must create the program shortcut to iiziGo.exe yourself.

iiziGo Designer for macOS

The macOS installation is done by opening the .dmg disk image, then you drag the iiziGo app icon to requested location, such as Applications, or to the Desktop.

iiziGo Designer for Linux

The Linux .tar.gz archive is extracted to any directory, generally of the User's home directory, e.g. '~/iizigo'. Then the shortcut icon is created using the shell script file '~/iizigo/add-icon.sh' (and removed using '~/iizigo/remove-icon.sh').


The iiziServer is a generic version in a signed Jar file that only needs unpacking. It can be used on any OS supporting Java SE 17 or better using 64-bit.

iiziGo Designer Update Site

Install iiziGo in Eclipse

Please follow this link on how to install iiziGo into a new or existing Eclipse installation.

Documentation and Guides

The main IIZI site is https://www.iizi.co/.