Package com.iizix.swt

package com.iizix.swt
  • Class
    Class used to quickly handle resize changes in the SWT-AWT-embed-composite.
    A Styler for Viewers with Bold fonts.
    A SashForm that allows hide/restore controls on sash.
    Class used as helper for toolbar drop-down items.
    Menu initializer for the drop-down list.
    The Menu drop-in replacement in iiziGo that does not consume handles, i.e.
    The Menu drop-in replacement in iiziGo that does not consume handles, i.e.
    A submenu item information holder that can be added to the main menu together with a set of actions in order to be able to save an array of item in an Object [] for fast construction or appending to menus while in about-to-display state.
    Test case: Bug 480318 - SWT Menu does not fire Selection Event when touch display is enabled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- swt.Menu does not work under windows under Windows 10 with Touch Display, no selection event is raised.
    Lays out a composite, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
    Indicates the region that a control belongs to.
    Some SWT helpers.
    Helper class to handle SWT table sorting.
    Text table item with corrections for image bounds (bug fix for Windows).
    Class to wrap the SelectionListener interface to a functional event.
    Widget selection event functional interface, used to wrap selection events for lambda's.