Class RuntimeBuilderServer

All Implemented Interfaces:
IWebServiceEngine, WebSocketAcceptor, IAdditonalInformation<UserInfoHistoryEntry>, IAppLoader, IServer, IKStringInfoProviderHolder

public class RuntimeBuilderServer extends JettyRunConfiguration
The IIZI Runtime Builder Server that processes remote building of customized iiziRun's from an iiziGo instance.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • RuntimeBuilderServer

      public RuntimeBuilderServer(File configFile, String extServerURL, String root, boolean useHotDeploy, AppDefinition[] apps, Map<String,String> appAliases) throws IOException, PropException
      Constructor for the runtime builder server.
      configFile - The configuration file, null for default.
      extServerURL - The external server URL, null for default.
      root - The Web Server root, null for default.
      useHotDeploy - If hot deploy should be used or not.
      apps - The apps loaded.
      appAliases - App aliases table.
      IOException - For load failure.
      PropException - For property errors.
  • Method Details