Interface IRemoteTransactionCompletedListener

Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface IRemoteTransactionCompletedListener
Functional interface use to listen on PropMgr to complete processing of incoming remote read transactions.

This listener is typically used to process post-updates of multiple client property updates, rather than triggering on a single property update.

Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Called once all processing of the remote read transaction has completed processing the update from a remote party, and that all potential queued events (such as remote events) are called.
    Called when the remote read transaction processing has completed processing an update from a remote party, but before any potential queued events (such as remote events) are called.
  • Method Details

    • onCompletedRemoteTransactionUpdate

      void onCompletedRemoteTransactionUpdate(PropMgr propMgr)
      Called when the remote read transaction processing has completed processing an update from a remote party, but before any potential queued events (such as remote events) are called.

      Note: if an unhandled exception was to be thrown during processing of incoming transactions (i.e. an InternalError or alike), this method would not be called, but rather only {@link #onCompletedRemoteTransactionProcessing(PropMgr)}.

      propMgr - The property manager for the remote party.
    • onCompletedRemoteTransactionProcessing

      default void onCompletedRemoteTransactionProcessing(PropMgr propMgr)
      Called once all processing of the remote read transaction has completed processing the update from a remote party, and that all potential queued events (such as remote events) are called. This call is done last in the order when handling an incoming read transaction from a remote party.

      This method must be overridden by the implementor, the default is to do nothing.

      propMgr - The property manager for the remote party.