Package com.iizix.nio

Interface SocketCommListener

public interface SocketCommListener
The socket communication listener.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onCommOpen

      void onCommOpen(SocketCommNIO comm)
      Called when the communication link is opened.
      comm - The socket communication instance.
    • onCommState

      void onCommState(SocketCommNIO comm)
      Called when the state changes.
    • onCommConnected

      void onCommConnected(SocketCommNIO comm)
      Called when the communication link is connected.
      comm - The socket communication instance.
    • onCommData

      void onCommData(SocketCommNIO comm, ByteBuffer buf)
      Called when the communication link has received data.
      comm - The socket communication instance.
      buf - The data byte array.
    • onCommTimeout

      void onCommTimeout(SocketCommNIO comm, boolean isReadTimeout)
      Called when the communication link has timed out on a read or write operation.
      comm - The socket communication instance.
      isReadTimeout - Flag indicating read timeout when true, false indicates write timeout.
    • onCommError

      void onCommError(SocketCommNIO comm, IOException e)
      Called when the communication link is closed.
      comm - The socket communication instance.
      e - The exception.
    • onCommClosed

      void onCommClosed(SocketCommNIO comm)
      Called when the communication link is closed.
      comm - The socket communication instance.