Interface GCloseCodes

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GCloseCodes
User close codes for WebSockets used between IIZI Server and Client.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Close code for application message, i.e.
    static final int
    Close code indicating the session to reconnect to has been disposed of.
    static final int
    Close code indicating a problem with transaction history for reconnecting sessions.
    static final int
    Close code used to indicate that the reconnecting session is occupied by an existing session.
    static final int
    Code code indicating either party wishes to enter pause, i.e.
    static final int
    Close code for user information.
  • Method Summary

    Static Methods
    Modifier and Type
    static String
    getCloseCodeDescription(int closeCode)
    Method to get a descriptive English text for a close code, including the standard close codes for WebSocket.
  • Field Details

    • CC_PAUSE

      static final int CC_PAUSE
      Code code indicating either party wishes to enter pause, i.e. close communication and later reconnect to the session on hold.
      See Also:

      static final int CC_DISPOSED
      Close code indicating the session to reconnect to has been disposed of.
      See Also:

      static final int CC_OCCUPIED
      Close code used to indicate that the reconnecting session is occupied by an existing session.
      See Also:

      static final int CC_HISTORY_ERROR
      Close code indicating a problem with transaction history for reconnecting sessions.
      See Also:

      static final int CC_APPMSG
      Close code for application message, i.e. why an app cannot start.
      See Also:

      static final int CC_USERINFO
      Close code for user information.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCloseCodeDescription

      static String getCloseCodeDescription(int closeCode)
      Method to get a descriptive English text for a close code, including the standard close codes for WebSocket.
      closeCode - The close code.
      A descriptive text of the close code.