Class WizardDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPageChangeProvider, IRunnableContext, IShellProvider, IWizardContainer, IWizardContainer2
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WizardDialog extends WizardDialog
Customized Wizard Dialog used when no progress bar is used.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • WizardDialog

      public WizardDialog(Shell parentShell, Wizard wizard)
      Creates a new wizard dialog for the given wizard.
      parentShell - The parent shell.
      wizard - The wizard this dialog is working on.
    • WizardDialog

      public WizardDialog(Shell parentShell, Wizard wizard, boolean checkStarting)
      Creates a new wizard dialog for the given wizard.
      parentShell - The parent shell.
      wizard - The wizard this dialog is working on.
      checkStarting - Flag for checking of IIZI starting up to display message and dismiss wizard if this is the case.
  • Method Details

    • createContents

      protected Control createContents(Composite parent)
      The WizardDialog implementation of this Window method calls call IWizard.addPages to allow the current wizard to add extra pages, then super.createContents to create the controls. It then calls IWizard.createPageControls to allow the wizard to pre-create their page controls prior to opening, so that the wizard opens to the correct size. And finally it shows the first page.
      createContents in class WizardDialog
    • createProgressMonitorPart

      protected ProgressMonitorPart createProgressMonitorPart(Composite composite, GridLayout layout)
      Hook method for subclasses to create a custom progress monitor part.
      createProgressMonitorPart in class WizardDialog
      composite - The parent composite.
      layout - The layout.
      ProgressMonitorPart the progress monitor part
    • finishPressed

      public void finishPressed()
      Called this method to simulate a finish.

      This method might close the dialog if it's OK to do so, i.e. the "performFinish()" method in the dialog returned true.

      finishPressed in class WizardDialog