Package com.iizigo.db

Class PluginApplicationUI


public class PluginApplicationUI extends Object
The Plug-in ApplicationUI instance holds the various images loaded from Image Descriptors and can be used as SWT Images directly, as well as other SWT allocated object such as colors.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • imageTransaction

      public final Image imageTransaction
      Image for database transaction.
    • imageTable

      public final Image imageTable
      Image for database table.
    • imageInput

      public final Image imageInput
      Image for input properties.
    • imageInputVariable

      public final Image imageInputVariable
      Image for input an variable.
    • imageResult

      public final Image imageResult
      Image for result of UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT.
    • imageResultSet

      public final Image imageResultSet
      Image for result of SELECT.
    • imageResultSetColumn

      public final Image imageResultSetColumn
      Image for column in result set of SELECT.
    • imageDBActionActor

      public final Image imageDBActionActor
      Image for database action actor.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static PluginApplicationUI getInstance()
      Gets the instance of the ApplicationUI. The first time this is done, it must be from the SWT thread, otherwise an InternalError is thrown.
      The singleton.
    • getImage

      public Image getImage(String fileName)
      Gets an Image from a file name.
      fileName - The file name loads a descriptor from the "icons" folder.
      The image, or null if not found.
    • getImage

      public Image getImage(ImageDescriptor descriptor)
      Loads the image for an Image Descriptor and caches it. It will be disposed of when the plug-in exits.
      descriptor - The Image Descriptor or null if none.
      The image created, null for none or when Image Descriptor is null.