Interface IVSAccessor

All Known Subinterfaces:
IUIPanelOwner, IVSParticipant
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInputProps, EditorInputProps, EditorOutputProps, EditorRESTfulInputProps, EditorResultProps, EditorResultSetProps, EditorScreenProp, EditorVirtualSpace, EMUISimpleDialog, EUIContextMenu, EUIDialog, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart, InputProps, MUISimpleDialog, OutputProps, RESTfulInputProps, ResultProps, ResultSetProps, ScreenProp, UIContextMenu, UIDialog, UIPanel, UIPanelBase, UIPanelPart, VirtualSpace, VirtualSpaceEditor

public interface IVSAccessor
Interface used to retrieve a VirtualSpace instance.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the referrer's back-reference to the VirtualSpace.
  • Method Details

    • getVirtualSpace

      VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
      Gets the referrer's back-reference to the VirtualSpace. This is used by the VSParticipantReference when verifying its references.
      The VirtualSpace, or null for none.