Interface IClassReferenceOwnerUpdates

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IClassReferenceOwnerUpdates
Interface implements by a property container that contains ClassReference's in order to be notified that a change in class occurred that could require re-checking/validation.

This interface is typically used in the Designer but is placed in the Core package because it may have to be implemented by a Core property container.

Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onClassReferenceChanged

      void onClassReferenceChanged(ClassReference classReference)
      Called when class reference changed.
      classReference - The class reference that changed.
    • onClassRefactored

      void onClassRefactored(ClassReference classReference, String oldName, String newName)
      Called for rename refactoring.
      classReference - The class reference that changes.
      oldName - The old name.
      newName - The new name.