Class HTMLSourceInfo.Config

Enclosing class:

public class HTMLSourceInfo.Config extends Object
Internal class for information.
  • Field Details

    • isLocal

      public final boolean isLocal
      The local location flag, true means iiziRun or iiziGo, false means browser (including localhost).
    • isDevel

      public final boolean isDevel
      The development version flag, true means NO compression.
    • source

      public final String source
      The transformed HTML source, null when in production mode.
    • cssList

      public final List<String> cssList
      The cached and unmodifiable list of CSS sources.
    • jsList

      public final List<String> jsList
      The cached and unmodifiable list of JS sources.
    • amdList

      public final List<String> amdList
      The cached and unmodifiable list of dynamic JS sources.

      These sources needs to be present on the client side (i.e. iiziRun), but are not loaded using "script" tags but rather dynamically using AMD.

    • settings

      public final Map<String,String> settings
      The settings in an unmodifiable map.
  • Method Details

    • getMinifiedCSS

      public File getMinifiedCSS() throws IOException
      Gets the minified CSS file.
      The file created.
      IOException - If this configuration is for development and should not be minified, or there is a problem in the minification.
    • getCompressedJS

      public File getCompressedJS() throws IOException
      Gets the compressed CSS file.
      The file created.
      IOException - If this configuration is for development and should not be compressed, or there is a problem in the compression or obfuscation.
    • getCompressedHTML

      public File getCompressedHTML() throws IOException
      Gets the compresses HTML file.
      The file created.
      IOException - If this configuration is for development and should not be compressed, or there is a problem in the compression or obfuscation.