Interface ITooltipPropList

All Known Subinterfaces:
IEFixedLayoutProp, IELayoutMgrDND<LAYOUT_PROP>, IELayoutMgrSimpleDND<LAYOUT_PROP>, IELayoutProp, IRuntimeBuilder, IVirtualizedMonitorProp
All Known Implementing Classes:
AppDistributionProps, EAbsoluteData, EAbsoluteLayout, EAccordionData, EAccordionLayout, EBorderData, EBorderLayout, ECalendarData, ECalendarEvent, ECalendarLayout, EclipseRuntimeBuilder, EContextMenuData, EditorActiveTerminalSession, EditorActiveTerminalSessions, EditorClientSessionProp, EditorEndPointPropCnr, EditorEndPointsPropCnr, EditorInfoPropCnr, EditorLetsEncryptDomain, EditorMailProps, EditorPolicyProps, EditorRuntimeBuilderProps, EditorServerAppConfig, EditorServerConfigEnvProps, EditorServerPluginConfig, EditorServerSettings, EditorSessionConnectionStatProp, EditorVirtualizedMonitorPropCnr, EditorWebServerPortConfig, EFlexData, EFlexLayout, EGridData, EGridLayout, EHeadingData, EHeadingLayout, EListData, EListLayout, EMapData, EMapLayout, EMapMarkerProp, EMapMarkers, EMenuBarData, EMenuData, EMLGroupLayout, EMListData, EMListLayout, EPanelData, ESwapData, ESwapLayout, ETabBarData, ETabBarLayout, ETabData, ETabLayout, EUIComps, EUITableData, EUITableLayout

public interface ITooltipPropList
Interface implemented by a property container that wishes to output a simple list of properties as they are defined, perhaps with String formatting.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the list of property items that should be displayed.
    default boolean
    Checks if this property container would produce a change for the tooltip or not.
  • Method Details

    • getTooltipPropertyList

      List<TooltipItem> getTooltipPropertyList()
      Gets the list of property items that should be displayed.
      The list, or null for no tooltip.
    • wouldAddTooltipInfo

      default boolean wouldAddTooltipInfo(PropCnr pc)
      Checks if this property container would produce a change for the tooltip or not.
      pc - The property container.
      Flag indicating this would be adding tooltip info.