Interface IWorkbenchPartIZ

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IDisposedPart, IWorkbenchPart
All Known Implementing Classes:
CaptureEditor, ContextMenuEditor, DatabaseEditor, FontFacesEditor, ImageDefinitionEditor, PanelEditor, PropEditorPart, RecordingEditor, RemoteTerminalView, ScreenEditor, SelectorEditor, ServerConfigView, SessionsView, StyleEditor, TerminalView, TextTableEditor, VirtualSpaceEditor, WebServiceEditor

public interface IWorkbenchPartIZ extends IWorkbenchPart, IDisposedPart
Workbench part required to be implemented for parts by actions, and other items. The PropEditorPart implements it.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getExtension

      IPartExtensionIZ getExtension()
      Gets the extensions framework.
    • getUndoRedo

      IPropUndoRedo getUndoRedo()
      Gets the undo/redo instance.
    • isDisposed

      boolean isDisposed()
      Checks if the part is disposed of.
      Specified by:
      isDisposed in interface IDisposedPart
      true if disposed of, false otherwise.
    • getSelectionEnabler

      SelectionEnabler getSelectionEnabler()
      Gets the selection enabler instance.
    • onComponentFocused

      default void onComponentFocused(Control c)
      Called when the workbench extension focus is received to a component. This call is normally not processes, but gives a change upon focus restore to set the last focused component.