Package com.iizix.user

package com.iizix.user
  • Class
    Provider interface to retrieve an authenticated user for a client or application session.
    Interface holding data for the "authenticated" user.
    Provider interface to retrieve an authenticated user for a client or application session.
    Details stored in the server database as details for a user.
    Login result from the user authentication engine.
    Class holding profile picture information either in a URL or as InputStream in case of OAuth 2.0 requirements to load the URL in an authenticated session.
    The User identifier class holds the information about a user or a returning user.
    Enum for user sign in result.
    User exception class used when a user is not permitted an action.
    The User identifier class holds the information about a user or a returning user.
    The base of user information in the database.
    Locale strings for operations dealing with a user.
    Class holding the User Profile information, when signing in externally typically for an OAuth(2) authentication service provider, or when signing up internally (and externally).