Package com.iizix.term.prop

package com.iizix.term.prop
  • Class
    Contains the result of a cell in a host field column, typically used for list boxes and business graphics.
    This property handles communication between the server and client in full duplex using Transaction's.
    Interface that is called just prior to sending the host session properties to the other party.
    The RemoteHostSession property class holds the property name, value as a RemoteHostSession object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    This Screen Action Group property container for a terminal host screen.
    This Screen Action property container for a terminal host screen.
    Reference to a ScreenActionProp, used in the VSAction Action Actors for the back-reference.
    This Screen fields property container for a terminal host screen.
    This Screen Field Group property container for a terminal host screen.
    This Screen Field property container for a terminal host screen.
    Property holding the reference to a screen field from inside the screen, used by screen actions.
    This Screen Fields property container for a terminal host screen.
    This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen.
    This Screen identifications property container for a terminal host screen.
    Class for screen matching.
    This Screen property container holds the screen identifications and fields for a terminal host screen.
    This Sessions property container holds the terminal properties.
    This property container contains all properties required for Telnet 3270 and 5250 connections, and extends the SocketProp used for Socket properties.
    The Action Actor for the Terminal.
    The terminal action actor settings.
    The Terminal Model Settings property container.
    This property class instance contains all properties for the printer properties as POJO variables.
    This property container contains all properties required for the terminal connector in terms of flags, colors, etc.
    The terminal types.
    This TerminalSettings property container holds all settings for a terminal session.