Package com.iizix.prop.vs

package com.iizix.prop.vs
  • Class
    AbstractVSVariable<VSCOMP extends VSComponent,REFTYPE extends VSRelativeReference<VSCOMP>>
    Class that holds a single VS "variable" mapping of a certain type.
    The VirtualSpace reference processor used for the @FullVSRef annotation.
    Interface used to retrieve a VirtualSpace instance.
    Interface used to listen to VS action events.
    Tagging interface used by Action Actors being part of the VSAction list of actions.
    Interface call when the VSAction TX process completes.
    Interface implemented by a VirtualSpace property container that holds a ClassReference instance, used to resolve references for MethodReferences, e.g.
    Interface used to listen to VS table column events.
    Interface used to listen to VS table column events.
    The common VS interface for the VirtualSpace and the VSComponent's such as VSField, VSTable, VSAction, etc.
    Base interface used to listen to VS component events.
    Interface used to provide the type of VS component reference supported.
    Base interface used to listen to VS component events, defines the State enumeration.
    Enum of field states that are notified as changes.
    Interface used to listen to VS field value events.
    Generic VS component listener interface used to listen to VS component events other than VS Action, Column, Field or Table, i.e.
    The message support for a VS component.
    Interface implemented by a container being a participant in the VirtualSpace.
    Interface used to verify whether focus scope should be verified or not.
    Interface implements by a property container that holds a VSTableColumnReference to provide the VSTable instance.
    Interface used to listen to VS table events.
    The listener interface for table selection changes.
    This VirtualSpace property container holds the fields and tables in the VirtualSpace.
    The VirtualSpace Action property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    The VirtualSpace Action Actor Participant used by Action Actors.
    Adapter for interface used to listen to VS action events.
    The VirtualSpace Action Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSAction instance.
    The transaction process implementation for the VirtualSpace Actions.
    The VS reference processor used for the @VSRef annotation.
    VirtualSpace cell data used when setting an entire column in a table.
    Adapter for the interface used to listen to VS table column events.
    The VirtualSpace Column Header property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.
    Base VS class used by VirtualSpace elements: VSField, VSTable, VSRow, VSColumnHeader, VSAction, VirtualSpace.
    VS component reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS component when changes of the VS component (value or contents) occurs.
    The VirtualSpace Field property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    Adapter for interface used to listen to VS field value events.
    VS Field reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS Field when changes of the VS field value occurs.
    Focus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.
    The VirtualSpace Group property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    The VirtualSpace Group Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSGroup instance.
    Class to hold a reference to a VS Action (to invoke) or a VS component (for focus) when a UI component is "on"-something, such as "onClick".
    The VirtualSpace participant property is a reference class to the VirtualSpace instance and interacts with the VSParticipantsHolder.
    The VirtualSpace Participant Reference handles references to the VirtualSpace participants that implements the IVSParticipant interface, such as panels.
    This class is a child of the VirtualSpace and contains the participants in the VirtualSpace.
    The VirtualSpace Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.
    VSReferenceOwnerData<VSTYPE extends VSComponent,REFPROP extends VSRelativeReference<VSTYPE>>
    Data holder class for the owner of a VS relative reference property for a column reference.
    The VirtualSpace Relative Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.
    The VirtualSpace Row property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    The rows property class that only allows VSRow children properties.
    The VirtualSpace Table property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
    Adapter for interface used to listen to VS table events.
    The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the name of a Column in a Table.
    The VirtualSpace Table Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.
    Class holding the changed table row selection.
    VirtualSpace "Variables" is a container that maps named Variables to VirtualSpace fields or columns/tables.
    Class used to handle manipulation with one or more VS components that in turn may contain others.