Interface IWebServerPortConfig

All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorWebServerPortConfig, WebServerPortConfig

public interface IWebServerPortConfig
Interface for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server. A port group is defines a bind address for a single or a range of ports to use, and the protocol to bind to (HTTP or HTTPS).
  • Method Details

    • getType

      String getType()
      Gets the type of port: HTTP or HTTPS.
      The type string, or "Undefined" if undefined.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Gets the description of the port configuration.
      The description, "ports NN to MM, PROTOCOL" or "port NN, PROTOCOL" if not defined.
    • getPortDescription

      String getPortDescription()
      Gets the description of the port configuration.
      The description, "ports NN to MM, PROTOCOL" or "port NN, PROTOCOL" if not defined.
    • getPortStart

      int getPortStart()
      Gets the port start in a range.
      The port start, or -1 if not defined.
    • getPortEnd

      int getPortEnd()
      Gets the port end in a range.
      The port end, or "getPortStart()" value if not defined.
    • getProtocol

      int getProtocol()
      Gets the protocol to use.
      The protocol: 0=HTTP, 1=HTTPS, or -1 if not defined.
    • isFrontEndSecured

      boolean isFrontEndSecured()
      Returns if the connection is secure by means of a front-end proxy, load balancer, etc. This means that the protocol can be HTTP but still be secure.
      true if secure and HTTPS is used by the client side, false otherwise.
    • getBindAddress

      String getBindAddress()
      Gets the bind address.
      The bind address, or null if not defined (never empty string).
    • getKeyStorePassword

      String getKeyStorePassword()
      Gets the KeyStore password.
      The password, null for none.
    • getKeyStore

      Gets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
      The configured KeyStore, or null if not defined.
      KeyStoreException - If no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the PKCS#12 type.
      NoSuchAlgorithmException - If the algorithm used to check the integrity of the KeyStore cannot be found.
      CertificateException - If any of the certificates in the KeyStore could not be loaded or the Let's Encrypt domain was not found and this configuration is associated with Let's Encrypt.
      IOException - If there is an I/O or format problem with the KeyStore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException.
      UnrecoverableEntryException - For errors in keystore.
    • getKeyStore

      Gets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password. If the configuration is associated with a Let's Encrypt domain
      pwReturn - A StringBuilder instance that is filled with the password, null for none.
      The configured KeyStore, or null if not defined.
      KeyStoreException - If no Provider supports a KeyStoreSpi implementation for the PKCS#12 type.
      NoSuchAlgorithmException - If the algorithm used to check the integrity of the KeyStore cannot be found.
      CertificateException - If any of the certificates in the KeyStore could not be loaded or the Let's Encrypt domain was not found and this configuration is associated with Let's Encrypt.
      IOException - If there is an I/O or format problem with the KeyStore data, if a password is required but not given, or if the given password was incorrect. If the error is due to a wrong password, the cause of the IOException should be an UnrecoverableKeyException.
      UnrecoverableEntryException - For errors in keystore.
    • setProperty

      <T> T setProperty(String name, T property, Class<T> propClass) throws ClassCastException
      Sets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
      name - The property name.
      property - The property, or null to remove it.
      propClass - The class of the property to return if replaced.
      The previous property, null for none.
      ClassCastException - If the object is not null and is not assignable to the type T.
    • getProperty

      <T> T getProperty(String name, Class<T> propClass) throws ClassCastException
      Gets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
      name - The property name.
      propClass - The class of the property to return if replaced.
      The property, null if not previously set.
      ClassCastException - If the object is not null and is not assignable to the type T.
    • getLetsEncryptDomainNames

      String getLetsEncryptDomainNames()
      Gets the Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
      The domain name(s) as e.g. "", or null if not associated with Let's Encrypt.
    • getLetsEncryptDomainNamesSet

      Set<String> getLetsEncryptDomainNamesSet()
      Gets a new set of Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
      The domain name(s) as e.g. "", or empty list if not associated with Let's Encrypt.
    • setConfig

      void setConfig(PortConfig config)
      Sets the Jetty server connector configuration used with this configuration.
      config - The configuration instance.
    • getExcludedSecureProtocols

      String[] getExcludedSecureProtocols()
      Gets the excluded secure protocols.
      Empty string for none, otherwise e.g. "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1".