Interface IReferencingPropCnr

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorSelector, EditorTextTable, EditorVSField, Selector, TextTable, VSField

public interface IReferencingPropCnr extends IPropCnr
Interface used by property containers to redirect a direct reference to its main property container to a reference property that is used by the referencing framework. This is needed to check for circular references.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getReferenceType

      IPropReference.IRefType getReferenceType()
      Gets the reference Type.
      The reference type, generally a value from the enum IPropReference.RefType, otherwise a static final implementation of the reference type with locale support.
    • usesMultipleReferencing

      boolean usesMultipleReferencing()
      Checks if this referencing Property Container has single or multiple referencing properties at maximum.
      The multiple references flag, i.e. true for zero to many references meaning the method getReferencingProps() should be used, or false if a single reference exists and the method getReferencingProp() should be used to retrieve the referencing properties.
    • getReferencingProp

      IReferencingGProp getReferencingProp()
      Gets the single potential instance of a referencing property instance.
      The single referencing property, or null if none is found.
    • getReferencingProps

      IReferencingGProp[] getReferencingProps()
      Gets the array of referencing property instances.
      The array of referencing properties, or null none is found. The array may also be empty. If usesMultipleReferencing() is true then this method should be used to retrieve the referencing properties, otherwise when false, this method returns null.