Interface IPropReference

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBaseRelativeReference, AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReference, AbstractReference, AbstractUICompRelativeReference, AssetReference, BackgroundImageReference, ContextMenuReference, DatabaseTransactionReference, EditorSelectorReference, EditorVSFocusReference, EditorVSOnUIEvent, FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference, GAnnotation, ImageReference, KStringHolder.TagReference, LabelForReference, PanelPartReference, ScreenActionReference, ScreenFieldReference, SelectorReference, ServerConfigEnvReference, TextTableReference, VSActionActorParticipant, VSActionReference, VSColumnReference, VSComponentReference, VSFieldReference, VSFocusReference, VSGroupReference, VSOnUIEvent, VSParticipant, VSParticipantReference, VSReference, VSRelativeReference, VSTableColumnReference, VSTableReference, WebServiceReference

public interface IPropReference
Interface used as notifier for a property reference listener, see the com.iizix.prop.PropReference class for more information.
Christopher Mindus
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • onReferenceEvent

      void onReferenceEvent(PropReference reference, IPropReference.ReferenceChangeEvent event, GEvent triggerEvent)
      Called when a property reference event occurs. The events are ReferenceChangeEvent.FOUND, FOUND_WRONG_CLASS, RENAMED, MOVED, NEW_PROPERTY, BROKEN.

      Trigger GEvent's are: PROP_RENAMED, PROP_CNR_RENAMED or PROP_PROJECT_RENAMED for "RENAMED", PROP_DISPOSED for DISPOSED. The PROP_RESOLVE_REFERENCES can sometimes cause the trigger event to be set.

      reference - The property reference object.
      event - The event.
      triggerEvent - The event that triggered this reference event, null for none.
    • isReferenceValid

      boolean isReferenceValid(GProp<?> property)
      Validates the property reference that has been looked up.
      property - The property to validate.
      true if valid, false otherwise.
    • getReferenceType

      IPropReference.IRefType getReferenceType()
      Gets the reference Type.
      The reference type, generally a value from the enum IPropReference.RefType, otherwise a static final implementation of the reference type with locale support.