Interface IPropCnrInteger

All Known Implementing Classes:
AxisInteger, ChartInteger, PlotInteger

public interface IPropCnrInteger
Interface for a generic integer setting for a property container implemented by enum classes.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the default value when the property is not set.
    Returns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
    default void
    validate(PropCnr pc, int value)
    Validates a new value.
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultValue

      int getDefaultValue()
      Gets the default value when the property is not set.
    • validate

      default void validate(PropCnr pc, int value) throws PropValidateException
      Validates a new value.

      Override to provide validation, default doesn't validate.

      pc - The property container that will be set.
      value - The new value to validate.
      PropValidateException - If the value doesn't validate.
    • getPropName

      String getPropName()
      Returns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.