Package com.iizix.api

Interface IBackReferenceProvider

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentUIContainer, AbstractUIAction, EditorActionActors, EditorFieldActors, EditorVSAction, EditorVSColumnHeader, EditorVSField, EditorVSTable, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EMLItemProp, EUIButton, EUIImage, EUIMenuItem, MapMarkers, MLGroup, MLItemProp, UIButton, UIImage, UIMenuItem

public interface IBackReferenceProvider
Interface to implement for classes holding e.g. Method References to return the required reference path to the correct element.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getBaseJavaReference

      PropCnr getBaseJavaReference()
      Gets the base reference path for the Java reference.
    • isBackReferenceValid

      String isBackReferenceValid(AnnotationType annotationType, String name, boolean isRefOnly)
      Validates if the back-reference specified is referenced in the first place, i.e. is valid or not.
      annotationType - The annotation type.
      name - The class or method name.
      isRefOnly - Flag indicating the back reference is not required, but must be valid otherwise.
      null for valid, otherwise an error message.