Class IzToolTipImpl

public class IzToolTipImpl extends DefaultToolTip
The tooltip implementor class controlled by IzToolTip.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IzToolTipImpl

      public IzToolTipImpl(Control control, boolean useHideTimeout)
      Constructs the tooltip.
      control - The owner of the tooltip.
    • IzToolTipImpl

      public IzToolTipImpl(Control control, boolean useRegions, boolean useHideTimeout)
      Constructs the tooltip.
      control - The owner of the tooltip.
  • Method Details

    • setHideTimeout

      public void setHideTimeout(boolean on)
      Sets using hide timeout.
    • createToolTipContentArea

      protected Composite createToolTipContentArea(Event event, Composite parent)
      Creates the tooltip content area for HTML.
      createToolTipContentArea in class DefaultToolTip
    • ksetText

      public void ksetText(String text, int type)
      Sets the text, type is 0=normal text, 1=text with fixed font, 2=text in HTML.
    • setText

      public void setText(String text, int type, KStringInfoProviderAdapter adapter)
      Sets the text, type is 0=normal text, 1=text with fixed font, 2=text in HTML.
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(DesignerProp dp)
      Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area. This will cancel tooltip text as text/HTML.
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(DesignerProp dp, IzToolTipPropEnhancer enhancer)
      Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area. This will cancel tooltip text as text/HTML.
    • setProperty

      public void setProperty(GProp<?> gp)
      Sets the property as the tooltip creator for the contents area. This will cancel tooltip text as text/HTML.
    • setJavaMember

      public void setJavaMember(IMember member)
      Sets a Java member to show as HTML from its JavaDoc.
    • createJavaDocComposite

      public static Composite createJavaDocComposite(Composite topMost, Composite parent, IMember member)
      Creates a JavaDoc tooltip composite for a member.
      parent - The parent composite.
      member - The member.
      null if not possible.
    • createHTMLComposite

      public static Composite createHTMLComposite(Composite topMost, Composite parent, KString kstring, KStringInfoProviderAdapter adapter)
      Creates a HTML composite for HTML preview.