Class OpenJavaDoc

All Implemented Interfaces:
IHandler, IHandler2

public class OpenJavaDoc extends AbstractHandler
Opens the IIZI JavaDoc that is included with the "com.iizigo.javadoc" plugin in the default external browser or in the same internal browser with the ID "com.iizigo.javadoc".
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • OpenJavaDoc

      public OpenJavaDoc()
      Eclipse default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException
      Opens the IIZI JavaDoc that is included with the "com.iizigo.javadoc" plugin in the default external browser or in the same internal browser with the ID "com.iizigo.javadoc".
      event - The execution event.
      ExecutionException - If the browser ViewPart failed to open.