Interface HostSessionListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
RemoteHostSession, TerminalComposite, TerminalDesignerProp, TerminalHost

public interface HostSessionListener
The 3270 or 5250 host session owner interface.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onScreenChange

      void onScreenChange(HostSessionPeer peer, int beginPos, int endPos)
      Notifies the session of a screen change.
    • onFieldChange

      void onFieldChange(HostSessionPeer peer)
      Notifies the session that fields have changed.
    • onScreenSizeChange

      void onScreenSizeChange(HostSessionPeer peer, int cx, int cy)
      Notifies the session that the screen size has changed.
    • onCursorPositionChange

      void onCursorPositionChange(HostSessionPeer peer, int x, int y)
      Notifies the session that the cursor position has changed.
    • onConnectChange

      void onConnectChange(HostSessionPeer peer, boolean connected)
      Notifies the session of a connect state change.
    • onStateChange

      void onStateChange(HostSessionPeer peer)
      Notifies the session of a state change (such as insert mode, lock state, error state).
    • onSessionFailure

      void onSessionFailure(HostSessionPeer peer, Throwable exception)
      Called when a session has had a failure.
    • soundAlarm

      void soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer peer)
      Sound alarm on the client.
    • onHostDataStreamProcessing

      void onHostDataStreamProcessing(HostSessionPeer peer, boolean isEntering, int updates)
      Called when data stream is to be processed.
      peer - The peer.
      isEntering - The state of processing (true=before, false=after).
      updates - What has been updated on screen (bit flag: 0x01=characters, 0x02=fields).