Class AppDefinition


public class AppDefinition extends Object
Application definition when loading the applications/projects.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • id

      public final String id
      The ID of the application.
  • Constructor Details

    • AppDefinition

      public AppDefinition(String id, String serverEnvironmentName, File iiziAppFile, boolean doHotDeploy)
      id - The application ID.
      serverEnvironmentName - The server environment name to use, null for default.
      iiziAppFile - The application file.
      doHotDeploy - Hot deploy flag.
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes of the application definition.

      This method is intended to be called from the server: DO NOT CALL THIS METHOD.

    • getFactory

      public AppFactory getFactory()
      Gets the application factory.
      The application factory once loaded, null otherwise.
    • addModuleDirectory

      public void addModuleDirectory(File dir) throws IOException
      Adds a directory for loading.
      dir - The Module directory to load.
      IOException - if the directory is already added, or if the application definition is a compiled application.
    • hasAppChanged

      public boolean hasAppChanged()
      Checks if the iiziApp has been changed and needs reload.
      true if app has changed and hot deploy is used, false when not changed or hot deploy is not used.
    • getServerEnvironmentName

      public String getServerEnvironmentName()
      Returns the Server environment for the application.
    • loadApplication

      public void loadApplication(ServerShell server) throws PropException, IOException, ServerApplicationSetupException
      Loads the application.
      IOException - For file errors.
      PropException - For property errors.
      ServerApplicationSetupException - In case a plug-in fail to initialize.
    • isHotDeployEnabled

      public boolean isHotDeployEnabled()
      Checks if hot deploy is used for this application.
      true if hot deploy is enabled, false otherwise.
    • reload

      public boolean reload(ServerShell server, boolean forceReload) throws PropException, IOException, ServerApplicationSetupException
      Reloads the application if it has changed.
      true if reloaded, false if not changed or not loaded with hot deploy.
      IOException - For file errors.
      PropException - For property errors.
      ServerApplicationSetupException - In case a plug-in fail to initialize.
    • disposeHotDeploy

      public void disposeHotDeploy()
      Disposes of the application's hot deploy.
    • getAppSessionFileProvider

      public WSFileProvider getAppSessionFileProvider() throws IOException
      Get the web server file provider for the application session.
      The web server file provider.
      IOException - If the directory for the application session files failed to be created.
      IllegalStateException - If the application is not yet loaded or is disposed of.