Class TableCell

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, IGProp<TCell>, IKStringInfoProvider, Cloneable

public class TableCell extends GProp<TCell> implements IKStringInfoProvider
The table cell property.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • TableCell

      public TableCell()
      Creates a table cell property with no name and with a null value.
    • TableCell

      public TableCell(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates a table cell property with the specified name with a null value.
      propertyAtom - the property atom.
  • Method Details

    • getValueClasses

      public Class<?>[] getValueClasses()
      Gets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue, in order of importance. Note that loss of precision in data if e.g. an Float property accepts a Double. However, the setPropertyValue throws IllegalArgumentException if the range in invalid, e.g. conversion of a Integer to a Byte, and the value is not -127 to 128.
      Specified by:
      getValueClasses in interface IGProp<TCell>
      Specified by:
      getValueClasses in class GProp<TCell>
      The array of Java classes that can be accepted in the setPropertyValue method. The first type is the "native" or most preferred type. The array is at least one item in length and never null.
    • setPropValue

      public boolean setPropValue(TCell newValue)
      Sets a new value for this property. If any listener is present and the value has changed compare to the last value, the listener is informed.
      newValue - the new value.
      boolean true for value has changed, false for same value as current value.
    • validatePropType

      public void validatePropType(Object newValue) throws PropTypeException
      Validates that the value to set is of GCell instance.

      Note: When this method is called, synchronization is done at the property itself, so no synchronization on the tree should be done.

      Specified by:
      validatePropType in interface IGProp<TCell>
      Specified by:
      validatePropType in class GProp<TCell>
      newValue - The new value to set.
      PropTypeException - when the new value isn't of the correct class.
    • getContents

      public TCell getContents()
      Gets the current contents set as an GCell.
      The contents, never null.
    • appendPropValue

      protected void appendPropValue(PropMgr propertyManager, SendTransaction trans, Object value)
      Appends the contents property value.
      Specified by:
      appendPropValue in class GProp<TCell>
      propertyManager - the property manager instance.
      trans - transaction to append the properties to.
      value - the value to append to the transaction, a reference to the current property value.
    • initializeValue

      public boolean initializeValue(PropMgr propertyManager, ReadTransaction trans) throws PropException
      Initializes the property value from a transaction.
      Specified by:
      initializeValue in class GProp<TCell>
      propertyManager - the property manager.
      trans - the transaction to initialize the property with.
      true if the value has changed, false otherwise.
    • shouldSerializeToXML

      protected boolean shouldSerializeToXML(int programType)
      Method used to check for serialization to XML.
      shouldSerializeToXML in class GProp<TCell>
      programType - From PropFactory.getProgramType(): 0=PropFactory.CLIENT, 1=PropFactory.SERVER or 2=PropFactory.EDITOR.
      false, never to XML!
    • fromElementString

      public Object fromElementString(String string) throws PropException
      Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element. Override this method to provide the appropriate String to Object conversion.

      The default implementation returns the String passed as the parameter.

      Specified by:
      fromElementString in interface IGProp<TCell>
      fromElementString in class GProp<TCell>
      string - the String value of the object from the String value attribute.
      the Object in "native" property value form of the string value.
      PropException - when the conversion fails.
    • toElementString

      public String toElementString(Object value)
      Called from the initializeElement(Element element) method. Override this method to provide the appropriate Object to String conversion.

      The default implementation returns the Object value.toString() return code.

      Specified by:
      toElementString in interface IGProp<TCell>
      toElementString in class GProp<TCell>
      value - the value in the object to convert to a string.
      the string corresponding to the object value.
    • getPropValue0

      protected Object getPropValue0(Object value, int index) throws Exception
      Gets the property value in another class form than the "native" one. This method tries conversion of a "native" property value into another class type. This method is used when filling in a POJO variable (Plain Old Java Object Field) from a "native" property value.
      Specified by:
      getPropValue0 in class GProp<TCell>
      value - The property value.
      index - The index in the Class array returned by getValueClasses().
      The property value in the requested class, after conversion.
      Exception - Other exceptions that could occur.
    • toNativeValue0

      protected Object toNativeValue0(Object value, int index) throws Exception
      Tries conversion of possibly accepted properties values using the setPropertyValue method into the most preferred property value type. If the input value already is of the preferred type, the same object is returned.
      Specified by:
      toNativeValue0 in class GProp<TCell>
      value - The input value to convert to native value.
      index - The index in the array returned by getValueClasses(), or -1 if not found.
      The converted input value in the preferred property value object type.
      Exception - For conversion exceptions.
    • onPropDispose

      protected void onPropDispose()
      Called when disposed of.
      onPropDispose in class GProp<TCell>
    • getRow

      public TableRow getRow()
      Gets the row for the cell.
      The row, or null if not present in the table.
    • getTable

      public UITable getTable()
      Gets the table for the cell.
      The table, or null if not present in the table.
    • getColumnIndex

      public int getColumnIndex()
      Gets the column index in a row of the cell in the table.
      The column index, or -1 if cell contents is not the current content.
    • getRowIndex

      public int getRowIndex()
      Gets the row index of the cell in the table.
      The row index, or -1 if cell is not part of the table.
    • getHTTPServer

      public String getHTTPServer()
      Gets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
      Specified by:
      getHTTPServer in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The "HTTP[S]//server[:port]" String or null for none.
    • getImageTarget

      public IImageTarget getImageTarget(String ref)
      Gets the image reference.
      Specified by:
      getImageTarget in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      ref - The image definition reference string.
      The image found, or null if not found.
    • doAddReference

      public boolean doAddReference()
      Gets the flag for adding the reference string in an attribute when editing the KString in a rich text editor.
      Specified by:
      doAddReference in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true for the Designer (will add additional parameters for the rich text editor), false for normal processing.
    • shouldResolve

      public boolean shouldResolve()
      Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned. This value is true for the runtime client when in "real run mode".
      Specified by:
      shouldResolve in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true to resolve all references, false if inside e.g. the Designer.
    • getResolveReferenceProperty

      public GProp<?> getResolveReferenceProperty()
      Gets the property used for references look-up's.
      Specified by:
      getResolveReferenceProperty in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The property to use for reference property look-up.
    • getDPR

      public double getDPR()
      Gets the device pixel ratio.
      Specified by:
      getDPR in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The device pixel ratio, default 1.0.
    • getTargetLanguageCode

      public String getTargetLanguageCode()
      Gets the language code to use.
      Specified by:
      getTargetLanguageCode in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The language code, or null for default.
    • getResourcePrefix

      public String getResourcePrefix()
      Gets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer. This reference is "/$" (the default in this interface) for the Designer, but should be "/$APPID/" for the Server, where APPID is the application being run by the client. The Server must therefore implement this method and return that string instead.
      Specified by:
      getResourcePrefix in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The resource prefix string, "/$" by default, but "/$APPID/" for the Server,' where APPID is the application being run by the client.
    • installFont

      public boolean installFont(String fontFamily)
      Installs the font families as specified by the font family.
      Specified by:
      installFont in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontFamily - The font family or families.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.
    • installFonts

      public boolean installFonts(List<FontFiles> fontList)
      Installs the font face as specified by the FontFiles instance for the Client Session. Once installed, the font family can be used.
      Specified by:
      installFonts in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontList - The list of font files to install.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.