Package com.iizix.prop.image

package com.iizix.prop.image
  • Class
    Image definition property container.
    This Image Resolution property only holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio.
    The Client image data.
    The definition of a single font icon and how it represent itself in the various states, e.g.
    The Font Icon Definition property container that contains an installable font using @FontFace CSS and contains several icons that can be displayed in any square size.
    Style interface for font icons with styles.
    Location interface for images where multiple images are using a single image resource.
    Interface for the image definitions or the parts returning the size of the image.
    Style interface for images with styles.
    Interface implemented by Image properties that can be referenced.
    Single image definition property container.
    This Image Location property container.
    This Image Resolution property only holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio.
    The Images Definition property container for multiple icons/images and multiple states and resolutions.
    The Images Resolution property holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio and contains ImagePartLocation properties.
    This Images Style property container has the state for several images.
    This Image Style property container holds the image types, asset reference, and other settings.
    This Image Style Location property container has the state for several images.
    This Image States Resolution property holds the image reference for an additional Device Pixel Ratio and contains ImagePartStateLocation properties.
    The runtime image definition is used to provide images at runtime that are images located in other files than the asset files.
    Image States Definition property container when a single image file has one image in many states and possibly resolutions.
    The SVG Image Definition property container contains a reference to an SVG file in the Assets.
    Information about the SVG and its contents for HTML.