Uses of Interface
Packages that use IPropReference
Uses of IPropReference in
Constructors in with parameters of type IPropReferenceModifierConstructorDescriptionJavaPropReference
(String name, Class<?>[] supportedClasses, IPropReference listener) Constructs a new property reference without property owner.Uses of IPropReference in
Classes in that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is a data holder class for annotations in resource source files.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizigo.selector.prop
Classes in com.iizigo.selector.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The SelectorReference property class hold the reference to a Selector that defines if the owner of this reference should be selected or active, or if it should be inactive.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizigo.vs.prop
Classes in com.iizigo.vs.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Focus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.class
OnFocus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.db.prop
Classes in com.iizix.db.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The reference to a Database transaction.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.prop
Subinterfaces of IPropReference in com.iizix.propModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface used as notifier for a property reference listener, see thecom.iizix.prop.PropReference
class for more information.Classes in com.iizix.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractBaseRelativeReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
The Base Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.class
AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
The Base Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.class
AbstractReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
The Abstract Reference property class hold the reference to another property.class
The Asset Reference property class hold the reference to a file in the Assets directory.class
The Background Image Reference extends normal Image Reference and only allows bitmap images, i.e.class
FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr>
The Fixed Virtualized Abstract Reference property class hold the reference to another property.class
The Image Reference property class hold the reference to an image definition implementing IImageTarget that in turn has images for various states and resolutions.class
The SelectorReference property class hold the reference to a Selector that defines if the owner of this reference should be selected or active, or if it should be inactive.class
The reference to a text table instance.Constructors in com.iizix.prop with parameters of type IPropReferenceModifierConstructorDescriptionPropReference
(GProp<?> owner, String name, Class<?>[] supportedClasses, IPropReference listener) Constructs a new property reference with a property owner.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.prop.ui
Classes in com.iizix.prop.ui that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractUICompRelativeReference<TARGET extends IUICompRelativeTarget>
The UIComp Relative Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.class
The reference to a UI context menu.class
The Label For Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.class
The reference to a UI panel part.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.prop.vs
Classes in com.iizix.prop.vs that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The VirtualSpace Action Actor Participant used by Action Actors.class
The VirtualSpace Action Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSAction instance.class
The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.class
VS component reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS component when changes of the VS component (value or contents) occurs.class
VS Field reference implementation that calls the parent property when changes occurs in the resolved VS Field when changes of the VS field value occurs.class
Focus reference is used to set a reference to a focusable VSComponent.class
The VirtualSpace Group Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSGroup instance.class
Class to hold a reference to a VS Action (to invoke) or a VS component (for focus) when a UI component is "on"-something, such as "onClick".class
The VirtualSpace participant property is a reference class to the VirtualSpace instance and interacts with the VSParticipantsHolder.class
The VirtualSpace Participant Reference handles references to the VirtualSpace participants that implements theIVSParticipant
interface, such as panels.class
The VirtualSpace Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.class
VSRelativeReference<TARGET extends VSComponent>
The VirtualSpace Relative Reference property class hold the reference to a VirtualSpace.class
The VirtualSpace Table Column Reference property class hold the name of a Column in a Table.class
The VirtualSpace Table Reference property class hold the relative reference to a VSTable instance.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.server.prop
Classes in com.iizix.server.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The ServerConfigEnvReference property class hold the reference to a Server configuration environment.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.term.prop
Classes in com.iizix.term.prop that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Reference to a ScreenActionProp, used in the VSAction Action Actors for the back-reference.class
Property holding the reference to a screen field from inside the screen, used by screen actions.Uses of IPropReference in com.iizix.text
Classes in com.iizix.text that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class that holds and maintains the reference for a tag.Uses of IPropReference in
Classes in that implement IPropReferenceModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The reference to a Web Service transaction.