Class IntegratedWebServer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IntegratedWebServer extends Object implements IWebServerCompression
The Jetty integrated web server class in iiziGo Designer.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegratedWebServer

      public IntegratedWebServer(Map<String,File> redirect, String root)
      The constructor
  • Method Details

    • startWebServer

      public int startWebServer(IExternalBrowserPages extPages, IWSFileProviderServer fileProvider, WebSocketAcceptor acceptor, String extServerURL, String bind, int wsPort1, int wsPort2, int wsSecurePort1, int wsSecurePort2, KeyStore keyStore, String pw, boolean useGzip)
      Starts the web server.
      extPages - External pages implementor, null for none.
      fileProvider - File provider interface.
      acceptor - The acceptor for engine requests.
      extServerURL - External server URL, null to use canonical URL from ports.
      bind - Bind address, null for all.
      wsPort1 - HTTP port start port.
      wsPort2 - HTTP port start port (inclusive).
      wsSecurePort1 - HTTPS port start port.
      wsSecurePort2 - HTTPS port stop port (inclusive).
      keyStore - The KeyStore to use, null for self-signed.
      pw - The KeyStore password, null for self-signed.
      useGzip - Flag to use GZip or not.
      The port used, 0 for failure.
    • getExternalServerURL

      public String getExternalServerURL()
      Returns the external server URL.
      The external web server base URL, or null for none.
    • getBindAddress

      public String getBindAddress()
      Returns the bind address/name.
      The bind address or name, or null for none.
    • getWebServerPort

      public int getWebServerPort()
      Gets the started web server port.
      The port number, zero for not started.
    • getSecureWebServerPort

      public int getSecureWebServerPort()
      Gets the started secure (HTTPS) web server port.
      The port number, zero for not started.
    • stopWebServer

      public boolean stopWebServer(long maxTime)
      Stops the web server.
      maxTime - Max time to wait for server to stop, <=0 is forever.
      true for success, false for timeout.
    • addFileRedirection

      public void addFileRedirection(String name, File file)
      Puts a compressed file name into the resource cache of the web server.
      Specified by:
      addFileRedirection in interface IWebServerCompression
      name - The file name, typically "iizi*-build.css" or "iizi*-build.js".
      file - The compressed CSS or JS file.
    • addFileRedirection

      public void addFileRedirection(File originalFile, File compressedfile)
      Puts a compressed file name into the resource cache of the web server.
      Specified by:
      addFileRedirection in interface IWebServerCompression
      originalFile - The original uncompressed file.
      compressedfile - The compressed CSS or JS file.
    • startAgainWebServer

      public int startAgainWebServer(String extHostName, String bind, int wsPort1, int wsPort2, int wsSecurePort1, int wsSecurePort2, KeyStore keyStore, String pw, boolean useGzip)
      Restarts the web server once it is stopped.
      extHostName - External host name, null to use canonical host name.
      bind - Bind address, null for all.
      wsPort1 - HTTP port start port.
      wsPort2 - HTTP port start port (inclusive).
      wsSecurePort1 - HTTPS port start port.
      wsSecurePort2 - HTTPS port stop port (inclusive).
      keyStore - The KeyStore to use, null for self-signed.
      pw - The KeyStore password, null for self-signed.
      useGzip - Flag to use GZip or not.
      The port used, 0 for failure.