Package com.iizix.api.vs
Annotation Interface OnVSAction
@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) @Repeatable(OnVSActions.class) public @interface OnVSAction
Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Action events.
Only 1 acceptable method pattern for this annotation.
Note: methodName
can be any name you want to use.
public void methodName(
@VirtualSpace(ref="Proj:/vs/subFolder/OneVS") public class MyVSListener { public MyVSListener() { ... } // Method called when ButtonAction triggers the action. @OnVSAction(name="ButtonAction") public void onButtonAction(VSActionEvent event) throws ValueConversionException { ... } }
- Author:
- Christopher Mindus
Required Element Summary
Required Elements
Element Details
String nameThe Name or Relative Path of the Property to associate with the method. Thename
is either a Name without slash ('/') that is a direct child of the VirtualSpace reference, or a Relative Path from the VirtualSpace root.- Returns:
- The Property Name path from the VirtualSpace base "ref" reference specification, e.g. "myAction" or "group/mySubAction".