Package com.iizix.api.ui
Annotation Interface OnUIConnect
@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) @Repeatable(OnUIConnects.class) public @interface OnUIConnect
Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Connect event.
Only 1 acceptable method pattern for this annotation.
Note: methodName
can be any name you want to use.
public void methodName(
@UI(ref="Proj:/panel/subFolder/OnePanel") public class MyUIListener { public MyUIListener() { ... } // Method called when an UI component is created. @OnUIConnect(name="") public void onConnected(UIConnectEvent event) { // E.g. processing of restoring the UI for the new connection, etc... ... } }
- Author:
- Christopher Mindus
Required Element Summary
Required Elements
Element Details
String nameThe Name or Relative Path of the Property to associate with the method. Thename
is either a Name without slash ('/') that is a direct child of the panel reference, or a Relative Path from the Panel root.This
parameter is not really required as the event is only (currently) connected to the panel itself. It needs to be specified according to the UI event standard.- Returns:
- The Property Name path from the panel base "ref" reference specification, e.g. "myEntryField" or "container/..etc../myField".