Class SyncState

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SyncState extends Object implements
Synchronization state class or Java in regards to refactoring.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    aboutToRun( event)
    Notification that a job is about to be run.
    static void
    Adds a listener for synchronized state.
    awake( event)
    Notification that a job was previously sleeping and has now been rescheduled to run.
    static void
    Called from workspace when a build starts using resource change listener rather than job checking, because a Job is often triggered but not doing anything in the end.
    done( event)
    Notification that a job has completed execution, either due to cancellation, successful completion, or failure.
    static void
    Called whenever the workspace changes in such a way that it would require a build operation.
    static int
    Gets the current state.
    static boolean
    Checks if refactor-styled operations should be prohibited due to the unsynchronized state.
    static void
    Removes a listener for synchronized state.
    running( event)
    Notification that a job has started running.
    scheduled( event)
    Notification that a job is being added to the queue of scheduled jobs.
    static void
    setAutoBuilding(boolean on)
    Turn on auto-building.
    sleeping( event)
    Notification that a job was waiting to run and has now been put in the sleeping state.
    static void
    Called when the first Module project is opened.
    static void
    Called when the last Module project is closed or the plug-in is stopped.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • addSyncStateListener

      public static void addSyncStateListener(ISyncStateListener listener)
      Adds a listener for synchronized state.
    • removeSyncStateListener

      public static void removeSyncStateListener(ISyncStateListener listener)
      Removes a listener for synchronized state.
    • start

      public static void start()
      Called when the first Module project is opened.
    • stop

      public static void stop()
      Called when the last Module project is closed or the plug-in is stopped.
    • enterInhibitState

      public static void enterInhibitState()
      Called whenever the workspace changes in such a way that it would require a build operation.
    • isSynchronized

      public static boolean isSynchronized()
      Checks if refactor-styled operations should be prohibited due to the unsynchronized state.
    • getState

      public static int getState()
      Gets the current state.
    • setAutoBuilding

      public static void setAutoBuilding(boolean on) throws org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException
      Turn on auto-building.
      on - Flag.
      org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException - If it failed changing the state.
    • buildStarted

      public static void buildStarted()
      Called from workspace when a build starts using resource change listener rather than job checking, because a Job is often triggered but not doing anything in the end.
    • aboutToRun

      public void aboutToRun( event)
      Notification that a job is about to be run. Listeners are allowed to sleep, cancel, or change the priority of the job before it is started (and as a result may prevent the run from actually occurring).
      Specified by:
      aboutToRun in interface
      event - the event details
    • awake

      public void awake( event)
      Notification that a job was previously sleeping and has now been rescheduled to run.
      Specified by:
      awake in interface
      event - the event details
    • done

      public void done( event)
      Notification that a job has completed execution, either due to cancellation, successful completion, or failure. The event status object indicates how the job finished, and the reason for failure, if applicable.
      Specified by:
      done in interface
      event - the event details
    • scheduled

      public void scheduled( event)
      Notification that a job is being added to the queue of scheduled jobs. The event details includes the scheduling delay before the job should start running.
      Specified by:
      scheduled in interface
      event - the event details, including the job instance and the scheduling delay
    • sleeping

      public void sleeping( event)
      Notification that a job was waiting to run and has now been put in the sleeping state.
      Specified by:
      sleeping in interface
      event - the event details
    • running

      public void running( event)
      Notification that a job has started running.
      Specified by:
      running in interface
      event - the event details