Class EventConnections


public class EventConnections extends Object
Helper class to add Java-related tooltips and create actions for VirtualSpace and panels along with their respective Editor actions.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • EventConnections

      public EventConnections()
  • Method Details

    • addTooltipInfo

      public static void addTooltipInfo(ApplicationUI appUI, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, UIComp comp)
      Adds Java class and method events for tooltip text for UI components.
      appUI - The application UI.
      parent - The parent composite.
      comp - The UI component (UIComp, VirtualSpace or VSComponent).
    • addTooltipInfo

      public static void addTooltipInfo(ApplicationUI appUI, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, IVSComponent comp)
      Adds events for tooltip text for UI components.
      appUI - The application UI.
      parent - The parent composite.
      comp - The VS component (VirtualSpace or VSComponent).
    • addTooltipInfo

      public static void addTooltipInfo(ApplicationUI appUI, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, IVSComponent comp, boolean isMapped)
      Adds events for tooltip text for UI components.
      appUI - The application UI.
      parent - The parent composite.
      comp - The VS component (VirtualSpace or VSComponent).
      isMapped - If the component is mapped onto VirtualSpace, VS action, etc or not.