Class Handler

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Handler extends URLStreamHandler implements IJarURLStreamHandler
The XJar URLStreamHandler.

This class must be named Handler for the default system handler search mechanism to function. Normally you will not use this class directly; XURLStreamHandlerFactory documents how to globally install Xjar support. However, you can employ XJar using just this class:

   Handler xjar = new Handler(...);
   URL url = new URL (..., xjar);

Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • DEBUG

      public static boolean DEBUG
      Debug flag, default false.
  • Constructor Details

    • Handler

      public Handler()
      Construct a new Handler.
    • Handler

      public Handler(XJarFile jarFile)
      Handler construction for an open Memory Jar.
      jarFile - The Jar file to use.
  • Method Details