Uses of Package
- ClassDescriptionThe Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.The plug-in loader class checking for plug-in dependencies in a Module project.
- ClassDescriptionInterface used in the server to listen to creation of new end points.
- ClassDescriptionThe Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.The plug-in loader class checking for plug-in dependencies in a Module project.
- ClassDescriptionAn implementation of a common end point for an Editor, Server or Monitor.The Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.Interface for Server End Points.The type of end-point.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.Interface used in the server to listen to creation of new end points.The server log history listener interface.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.Error enum used when validating an App ID with locale support.States of the server.Listener for the server dispose events.Server using Jetty to serve a Run Configuration launch of an application from Eclipse.The server logger implementation.The Server Shell.Additional information that is stored for history entries for server statistics.
- ClassDescriptionThe Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionInterface for Server End Points.The type of end-point.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionThe Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionThe Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionAn implementation of a common end point for an Editor, Server or Monitor.Interface for Server End Points.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.
- ClassDescriptionInterface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.
- ClassDescriptionAn implementation of a common end point for an Editor, Server or Monitor.Interface for Server End Points.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.Interface used in the server to listen to creation of new end points.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionAn implementation of a common end point for an Editor, Server or Monitor.The Server Application Loader interface, used by the Server but also the Distribution compiler.Interface for Server End Points.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.The interface to the Server instance, whether running in a JakartaEE Application Server or stand-alone using another web server and/or WebSocket implementation.Server using Jetty to serve a Run Configuration launch of an application from Eclipse.The Server Shell.
- ClassDescriptionInterface for Server End Points.The type of end-point.Interface for plug-ins used to create a new end point.The Server Shell.