Interface IGyroFocusEngineOwner

All Known Implementing Classes:
AppSessionGyro, ClientSessionGyro

public interface IGyroFocusEngineOwner
Interface to call the Gyro instance at focus change.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • onFocusChanged

      void onFocusChanged(IFocusComp newComp, IFocusComp oldComp, IGProp<?> trigger, boolean isRemoteInduced, boolean isInternal)
      Called when focus changes.
      newComp - New focus component.
      oldComp - Old focus component.
      trigger - The trigger property, null for none.
      isRemoteInduced - If the event is remote induced.
      isInternal - The internal flag as specified in the setFocus method to the focus engine.
    • onFocusVetoChange

      void onFocusVetoChange(FocusEvent event) throws FocusVetoException
      Called to perform veto.
      event - The focus event, InternalFocusEvent perhaps.
      FocusVetoException - When the focus is veto'ed.