Interface IUISelection

All Known Subinterfaces:
IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection, IUIBooleanSelection, IUICellSelection, IUIIndexedSelection, IUISingleIndexedSelection, IUITriStateSelection
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnimatedSingleIndexSelection, BooleanSelection, CellSelection, MultipleIndiciesSelection, NoSelection, RadioSelection, SingleIndexSelection, TriStateSelection

public interface IUISelection
The selection interface tag. Every selection event carries an instance of this interface, where the selection can be retrieved in various ways, e.g.:
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getSource

      IUISelectionComp getSource()
      Get the source component of the event.
      The source component.
    • getUISource

      UIComp getUISource()
      Gets the UI component being the source of the event.
      The UI component.
    • asIndexedSelection

      default IUIIndexedSelection asIndexedSelection()
      Returns the selection as an indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not an indexed selection.
    • asSingleIndexedSelection

      default IUISingleIndexedSelection asSingleIndexedSelection()
      Returns the selection as a single indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a single indexed selection.
    • asAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection

      default IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection asAnimatedSingleIndexedSelection()
      Returns the selection as an animated single indexed selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not an animated single indexed selection.
    • asBooleanSelection

      default IUIBooleanSelection asBooleanSelection()
      Returns the selection as a boolean selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a boolean selection.
    • asTriStateSelection

      default IUITriStateSelection asTriStateSelection()
      Returns the selection as a tri-state selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a tri-state selection.
    • asCellSelection

      default IUICellSelection asCellSelection()
      Returns the selection as a cell based selection.
      The selection instance, or null if the selection is not a cell based selection.