Gets the default defined value to set in the property when defined.
Gets the property value for a user input.
Formats the value for user input as a String.
Called when the property is updated without errors, with a new value.
protected void
Sets the new input value.
Gets the current message for the component.
Gets the current tooltip for the component.
Sets (or removes) the message for the component.
Sets (or removes) the tooltip for the component.
Builds a new property value from a new externalized KString.
Gets the current message for the component.
Gets the current tooltip for the component.
Checks for pure equality between two KTooltip's, excluding KString reference refresh counter checking but including potential original source string.
Checks for property value equality.
Sets (or removes) the message for the component.
Sets (or removes) the tooltip for the component.
Creates a tooltip with specified text and settings from another tooltip instance.
Constructs a named property with contents.